I Am Love

I am love.

Capable and true.

Arms wrap tightly,

Lips brush gently,

Words caress surely.


I am heartache.

Justified and brash.

Arms flail wildly,

Lips utter cruelly,

Words sting deeply.


I am loneliness.

Weary and contrite.

Arms invite desperately,

Lips quiver ruefully,

Words seek clemency.


I am imperfection.

Emotive and fretful.

Arms clutch intensely,

Lips bitten restlessly,

Words swirl silently.


I am vulnerability.

Sensitive and aching.

Arms expose defencelessly,

Lips part prayerfully,

Words disappear meaningfully.


I am hope.

Aspirant and purposeful.

Arms reach boundlessly,

Lips mouth encouragingly,

Words empower gracefully.


I am self-awareness.

Accountable and mindful.

Arms stretch welcomingly,

Lips soften reassuringly,

Words accept unconditionally.


I am love.

Gentle and understanding.

Arms embrace supportively,

Lips forgive instantly,

Words share empathetically.

Threshold of Years

Your delicate heart
Thumps stalwartly
The tempo of our gait;
Hiking abreast
We traverse the hills
Of the state of love.

Your radiant smile,
Illuminates brightly
The journey of our love;
Whispering gently,
You reveal the path
That leads us home.

Your sentient wisdom
Discerns assuredly
Which doors to open;
Uplifting me softly,
You carry me over
The threshold of years.

Inside Out

I sense you, long to know you.
Patient discovery opens glimpses of your heart
Revealing goodness, misunderstood.
You thrill me, awaken me,
As we journey from the inside-out.
The raw core is warm, inviting, tender.

Unhurriedly, deliberately, layers are stripped.
Nuances and needs uncovered.
We need not forfeit our deepest necessities
Or compromise absolute joy.
Expose me: you will see.
Expose yourself: you will be free.

Road for One

Feet hit the pavement
Firmly, Rhythmically.
Breaths and steps in unison
Compose a song-like tempo
And a trance-like focus.

I melt into myself,
My mind, my body.
Living a simple purpose:
Harmony in adrenaline flows,
Equilibrium despite antithesis.

Beauty spoken through movement.
Distances travelled unacknowledged.
Fortitude stretched to transcendence.
Tension released absolutely.
Joy discovered in the journey.